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News > General News > NEGS News - Term 1 Week 1

NEGS News - Term 1 Week 1

NEGS News - Term 1 Week 1

Welcome to our first newsletter for 2023. I hope your start to the school year is smooth. I look forward to connecting with many of you on Monday when our boarders return or at the BBQ.


NEGS is trialling Orah ‘Nurture’, a web-based and iOS app this year to enhance communication around student well-being. This well-being and mood check tool is designed to work in unison with the program the school has developed and further assist with:

  • Implementing a discreet safe space for regular check-ins with students
  • Collecting data on how students are feeling and draw insights on how we can help and support students
  • Identifying mental health concerns 
  • Understanding what activities or areas could be improved to better support our students
  • Helping students identify the triggers that affect their mood and providing tools to students to develop coping techniques
  • Allowing students to learn how factors such as sleep, diet, and daily activities affect their moods.

The ‘Nurture’ trial will be introduced to all Year 7 and Year 10 students during Weeks 1 and 2. Invitations will be sent to students to connect to Nurture and allow them to start submitting Mood Checks. An example of how students will submit a Mood Check is available here. 

The contents of student mood checks will be treated as confidential information. This will only be monitored by the Principal, Deputy Principal and Head of Boarding.

Ms Liane Nixon, in the role of K-12 Coordinator of Sports and Activities, will be working alongside Mr Moore in the sport and co-curricular space and will send further information about the NEGS offering. First, however, I would like to bring your attention to Certificate II in Horse Care, offered by the Australian Equine Institute, and students interested in game design, animation, audio, or film may wish to register with Creative Digital Media Club@NOVA. Further information is below in this newsletter.

Wishing you all a wonderful year ahead.

Ms Liz van Genderen


May I extend a warm welcome to the NEGS community on what will be an exciting 2023.

I look forward to continuing as Deputy Principal and working closely with Ms Van Genderen, staff and students in realising the potential in our wonderful school. I am also excited to be working with Ms Liane Nixon within the Sport and Activities space as she fulfils the role of Sports Coordinator.

2023 will continue to focus on creating and maintaining positive and respectful relationships within peer groups, between students and staff, and between students and their learning environment. We will emphasise personal responsibility and hold accountability high on our list of expectations.

2023 will be a year where we celebrate the positive story created here every day. I challenge every member of our community that it is your responsibility to be part of that storytelling.

I leave you with the quote referred to on speech day 2022. Let 2023 be the year that we do not be afraid of our light, let’s be confident, not arrogant, let’s be grateful, and not entitled. Let’s positively contribute to our school community.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened by shrinking so that others won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It’s not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

On behalf of the NEGS Junior School staff, I welcome you to the 2023 school year!

Teaching staff have spent time preparing for the term ahead, with Pre-K and Kindergarten rejoining us in the Junior space. It is an exciting time for our school.

We continue to focus upon and value our positive partnerships with our parent body and the wider community, all geared towards ensuring our students can achieve their highest potential within a safe and supportive environment. In order to be successful in school, children need support from both their home and school. Together, we share the responsibility for your children’s success. 

This year sees the continuation of the Kindness in the Classroom curriculum. This focuses on developing social and emotional skills with the deliberate practice of kindness. Six kindness concepts are the primary focus of these lessons, aimed to provide our students with a scaffold to build the necessary skills to move from self-awareness to action.

Tuesday 31 January - Classes commence

- Pre-K - Kindergarten students are to be walked in and parents are to sign in with the Early Years Staff. Reminder, the Early Years classroom is now located on the Junior School campus.
- Primary students arrive at school by 8.45am.

Parents, there will be tea/coffee offered in the Junior School playground. We warmly invite you to 'pause for a quick catch up' as you drop your child to school.

Please note the date Monday 13 February - Parent Information Evening
On Monday, 13 February, we invite you to meet in our Junior School to introduce the year to you all. Each family will have the chance to meet with their classroom teacher and gain oversight of the classroom structures and routines. It provides the opportunity to exchange information for the benefit of all, and as such, it is an important occasion. 

Class queries

All general class-related queries should be directed to your child’s classroom teacher.
All relevant email addresses for classroom teachers are listed below.

Pre-K Ms Rebecca Moore -

Early Stage One
Kindergarten Mrs Catherine McCann -

Stage One Mrs Kate Moloney -

Stage Two Mrs Deanna Ford -

Stage Three Year 5 Ms Lauren Czinner -

Year 6 Mrs Heidi Dent -
Mrs Victoria Packer (Tuesday) -

Information about sporting opportunities, after-school activities, music groups and School Camps will be emailed out early in the term from the relevant staff.

I look forward to working with you this year.

Heidi Dent

Junior School Coordinator

I am happy to welcome you back for the 2023 school year.

During 2023, I look forward to seeing girls love to learn. Our theme for this year is Respecting Relationships, where inclusion and compassion are evident in our close-knit community. Commencing as a boarder or returning to boarding comes with mixed emotions for parents and girls. Linda Stade, educator, provides ideas to help settle into new routines. Boarding staff will focus on being available, listening, asking good questions, helping with organization, building relationships, communicating, providing appropriate study environments and routines, and having your daughter involved in decision-making and building new friendships.

We look forward to our first close weekend Saturday, 4 and Sunday, 5, which includes a beach trip to Coffs Harbour for the day and other local activities on Sunday. Our Boarding Captains, Emily Edmunds and Jessica Beirne, will be providing Friday night activities during term 1, with support from the year 12 cohort. Our dining hall will come alive with theme nights such as Valentine's Day, Childhood movies, Dynamic duos, 90 disco, and many more surprises.

Orah software is used to communicate permission slips for external outings. Please be aware permission slips and boarding communication will be via Orah.

Our 2023 Handbook is complete, and updates have occurred. For new and returning families, it is important to take time to read this.

I look forward to looking with you this year, and please don't hesitate to contact me if you wish to discuss any issues or challenges regarding your daughter.

Our boarding staff team feel honoured and proud to be part of NEGS, we educate to inspire and duty of care is at the forefront of our minds.

Kind Regards

Meagan Laverty

Head of Boarding

Please see below for the Proposed Term 1 Planned Boarder Weekend Activities. 

On Tuesday, 14 February, NEGS will hold its annual swimming carnival at the Monckton Aquatic Centre.  

Every student is encouraged to participate in as many events as they can with an expectation that they participate in a minimum of 2 (e.g 50m Freestyle age race and 50m Breaststroke). Every point helps secure the Swimming Cup for their house and ensures that all students are making an effort to contribute, which is "The NEGS Way". Age Groupings are determined by the age the student is turning in 2023.

Junior School Years 2-6 (turning eight or older this year) will participate in the NEGS Swimming Carnival, and parents will be asked to nominate the events your child will participate in. Further information, including the program for the day and details re bus transport to and from the pool, will be forwarded next week. Kindergarten, Year 1, plus Year 2 students under 8 years old will be involved in a novelty program between recess and lunch.

Students are encouraged to dress up in their house colours for team spirit, along with wearing their house shirts and school shorts. We also welcome all parents to get into the spirit of the carnival and dress in your child's house colours, and there may even be points allocated to the house with the "Best Dressed Parents".

Liane Nixon
K-12 Coordinator of Sports and Activities

Below is a notice from Edward Coaches

This notice affects all schools in Armidale.

Now that we are getting back to reasonable normality after covid, it is likely even more students will be using the bus services. This may cause some services to overload. We will need to make some minor changes to services from Monday the 6 of February, affecting afternoon services only.

Please see the following:

  • S319 Puddledock in place of S320 Herbert Park will pick up from NEGS 3.31pm and ASC 3.35 pm and transfer at Ben Venue School for S308 Cluny and S320 Herbert Park. 
  • S320 Herbert Park in place of S319 Puddledock will pick up from Newling 3.05pm and PLC 3.36pm and transfer at Ben Venue for S319 Puddledock and S308 Cluny.
  • Ben Venue students using S320 Herbert Park to go to ASC will need to catch S340 Markham. S320 Herbert Park will arrive at Ben Venue at 3.45, Ben Venue being the last school to pick up.
  • S333 will no longer attend Martins Gully, Drummond, Sandon, St Mary’s, and Armidale City.
  • S333 will go to Newling PS.
  • S325 East will no longer attend TAS or Newling schools in its place will be S333 Newling 3.05pm TAS at 3.50PM.

We will give students a notice asking their parents or guardians to call Edwards Coaches on  67723116 for guidance. 

Further notice of changes to the morning services will be coming in the next few weeks.


James Cross

Depot Manager

Edwards Coaches

02 67723116 or 0427 003 844

9 Smart Study Tips to Try Out at Highschool

With the start of a new school year, you’ll need to quickly get back into the rhythm of studying and preparing for assessment. This might seem daunting, especially if you don’t have any study techniques to rely on yet, but don’t fret. We’ve gathered some great study tips you might like to try out.

Don’t cram
Of course, you’ll still need to study leading up to an exam. But don’t leave all of your studying until the last minute. Several studies have proved that the best way to understand what you’re learning and make the best use of that information long-term is by spacing out your studies and revision. So instead of leaving everything to the last minute and cramming, start working on a study schedule. Go over the material you’ve learned at different times throughout the term instead of revising once and leaving it behind until exam time. For example, each time you learn a new topic, put a reminder in your calendar to go over the material again 2, 4 and 6 weeks down the track, for example.

Answer questions
Reading something in a book or online might help you learn a bit – and re-reading it will cement it in your memory for a little longer. But for most people, that’s not enough to fully understand a concept or idea. Imagine looking at a car engine and having a mechanic point out all the parts; after a while, you might be able to identify what’s what at the drop of a hat. Now imagine being asked to build an engine…different story, right?
To achieve a deeper understanding, research says we should answer questions. This way, you can test and apply your knowledge more than you would by just reading. See if you can access exams from previous years, get your friends to quiz you on what you’ve learned, or see if your teacher can do up some revision sheets.
By answering questions, you can also spot areas where your understanding is lacking and get more study in before exams.

Practise makes perfect
Okay, not necessarily perfect, but better. Say you wanted to learn how to play the guitar. You might go onto YouTube and watch hundreds of tutorials or read a whole book about music theory. No matter how much preparation you do, the first time you pick up a guitar and play, it’s probably not going to sound great. Realistically, you need to practise what you’ve learnt lots of times before you’re expected to get it right. Why not treat your tests and exams the same way?

Before you get in there, you could:

  • Incorporate past practise tests into your study schedule
  • Write your own flash cards with questions on one side and answers on the other
  • Test yourself often, or have other people test you on the information
  • Ask your teachers to write you some example exam questions too

Mix it up
When planning a study schedule, it’s tempting to schedule each subject in a block, move on to the next, and never look back. But imagine you’re learning to play tennis, and for the first four months, all you do is learn forehand. Next, you learn backhand. Then finally, you’re onto learning volleys. This learning style is called “blocking” because you learn in large blocks. Sure, you’ll get all the skills, but a) it can get boring, and b) it’s not reflective of what an actual tennis game involves.
This is where another learning technique called “interleaving” comes in. Studies have suggested interleaving can produce much better and longer-lasting benefits. It involves switching between related topics, training your brain to not only learn the information but making connections between it all too.
Not convinced? In one study, Year 7 students were given homework sheets using either the blocking or interleaving methods. When tested one day later, the students trained with interleaving scored 25% better. When they were tested one month later, the interleaving advantage grew to a massive 76%. So when you’re planning your study schedule (including your homework), try mixing things up a little to see if it helps you study better.

Mistakes can help you learn too.
Everyone makes mistakes, especially when you’re learning new things. But instead of letting it get you down, you can turn your mistakes into a learning tool.
Want to know how?

  • Test yourself before you start revising. That way, you’ll see how much knowledge you’ve retained and how much you’ve understood the topic. Then you can focus your revision on areas where you need the most help.
  • Keep time in your study plan to go over the material and check for mistakes.
  • Understanding where you went wrong and how to make your answers right is a great way of focusing in on your problem areas.
  • When you do homework, tests, or mock exams at school, go over any mistakes and see if you can get the right answers. Ask your teacher to check your answer over if you’re still unsure – and if you’re struggling, you can always ask them to help you out.

Make it visual
Textbooks and notes – all those words. Sometimes they make your eyes swim, and you lose concentration as well as understanding. If you’re more of a visual learner, you could try using diagrams, graphs and other visual material as a basis for your revision. Then, if you need to, add notes or explanations to help you expand your learning. You could even have a go at sketchnoting – and you don’t have to be great at drawing to have a go. Check out this video for some ideas on how to get started:
Ask questions
Simply trying to remember long lists of facts and figures off by heart can be pretty tricky – and it doesn’t necessarily show any understanding of a topic, which is often what teachers want to see in your exam answers.
But if you dig a little deeper and give those facts and figures some more context, it could make them easier for you to remember later on.
The simplest way of doing this is to look at new information and ask questions about it.
They don’t have to be lengthy or tricky questions to answer either. Check out this video for some examples of how to apply this study technique:
Think of examples
Combining new information with things that you already know can increase your understanding. This not only means you’re learning better, it also means you’re more likely to remember it for longer too.
Using examples is another way of elaborating on information and helps you to understand and retain it more successfully.
If you’re struggling to come up with your own examples, imagine you are explaining the topic to a five-year-old. That could help you to get the ball rolling.
Use apps as study aids
You could look at apps that might help you to study – it’s best not to rely on them completely, but you could use them to help you change things up, provide quizzes, or test you on your knowledge.
Here are a few that could help you to get started:

  • Quizlet
  • SimpleMind
  • StudyBlue
  • GoConqr
  • DuoLingo
  • Elevate
  • Khan Academy
  • Chegg
  • Learnie
  • ARC Maths App
  • Accomplish Reading

(It’s a good idea to speak to your parents and tell them about the apps you’re using too).

Welcome BBQ

To start the term, we welcome all NEGS families to attend a welcome BBQ dinner on Monday, 30 January, at 4.30pm. 

This is a fantastic way to reconnect with families after the summer holidays and meet with new families who are starting school in 2023. 

This will be the boarder's dinner. However, we ask that everyone RSVP using the link below for catering purposes. 


Jill McIntosh and Samantha May Netball Development Clinic

Open to all local netball enthusiasts, and we are excited to host Jill McIntosh, former Australian Diamond, and Samantha May, former Syndey Swift, for Netball Development Clinics, in February 2023. 



Mark Knowles Hockey Development Clinic

We are excited to welcome the return of Mark Knowles, former Australian Kookaburra, for local Hockey Development Clinics. 

On Friday, 10 February, there are NEGS students-only clinics. However, Saturday, 11 February, is open to any local hockey enthusiasts. NEGS students are encouraged to attend the Saturday Clinics as well.


Academic Scholarship Testing for 2024 will be held on Saturday, 25 February. Applications need to be submitted by 6 February.

Please register below via the ACER website and do not hesitate to call our Enrolments Team if you have other queries on 6774 8700.



 For students who are looking to extend their equine skills, the Australian Equine Institute is offering Certificate II in Horse Care. This is a nationally recognised qualification available to students who are 15 years and over. 

An Information pack, including the enrolment form, has been emailed to all students in Years 10-12.

Further information is available here:


Students who are interested in games design, animation, audio or film may wish to register with

Creative Digital Media Club @NOVA.

The two sessions, 5.30pm-7.30pm, every second Monday @NOVA.(light meal is provided)

The next session will be held on 13 February. Please ring 0482 949 684 for more information.



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